Four Seasons Recomposed

– Live audio-reactive 3D animated performance
– Orchestra + Sonnet + Animation + Live audio analysis

A forty-five minute audio-responsive animation retelling the story from the sonnets which inspired Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. This vast 3D animation was an accompaniment to the live performance at Bristol Old Vic of Daniel Hope and The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra with each of their microphone feeds used as controlling inputs for the separate aspects of the animation.

For the creation of the 3D world that encompassed the animation I first exhaustively analysed the sonnets in comparison to Vivaldi’s rendition; this provided an understanding on how the meaning of the sonnets correlated with the expression of the music and critically the points when their meaning changed. These changes became the scene changes. Everything worked around timing a sequence of animated journeys’ through the seasonally changing landscape and scenarios, as depicted in the sonnets.

However these journeys were to accompany Max Richter’s rendition (as opposed to Vivaldi’s original) and so I next altered that original interpretation to Richter’s work, matching his stripped back, synthesised, contemporary approach and it was this that was mapped to the live performance timings.

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