VR vs. DJ

– Audio-reactiveTiltBrush artworks as live performance

– Live band / DJ / CDJ + Painter, Dancer, Boxer 

As part of Love Saves The Day closing party at Bristol’s iconic Lakota nightclub, a VR stage and projection mapped walls, floor and bar were created for an eclectic mix of artists to use TiltBrush as an expression of their movement: Dancer’s created intersecting vortexes, which Boxers punctuated with sharp angles as Artists overlaid recognisable forms and together they all generated live visuals for DJ’s and Bristol favourites The Egg.

A unique and central aspect of the performance was for the brush strokes to represent the acoustic signature of the live music. So as an artist painted each virtual brushstroke, the strokes would animate or illuminate to match the characteristics of live audio input.

The evolving VR artwork was projected into the room as visuals, which is to say they were seen by the crowd not just those in the headset. The night was a great success and the experience immensely valuable and rare.

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